Corporate Social Initiative

Travel-Click proudly supports small businesses and non-profit organisations that empower people to earn an income through their work. We purchase these handmade goods and use it for our client gifts and at conferences and events. Travel-Click supports these organisations to fulfil its corporate social initiatives. We ease the logistics burden of these organisations by providing complimentary services so that all they have to is concentrate on fulfilling their vision and mission.

Butterfly Art Project

Butterfly Art Project (BAP) is a non-profit organisation that teaches disadvantaged children art-healing classes based on art therapeutic principles. BAP also empowers adults how to run art healing classes within their own communities.

I Scream & Red

I Scream & Red is a planet-friendly initiative that teaches people with disabilities and from disadvantaged communities in how to design and manufacture bags made from recycled seat belts, reused upholstery and rejected sample books. All products are bound with natural or organic cotton and materials to ensure that it is green endorsed. Please visit


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